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Education is the most valuable thing for a teenager демоверсия 2019 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In the modern world, a good education is necessary for everyone who wants to be a success. Many people think that education is the most important thing for teenagers. However, some people say that the value of education is overrated.

In my opinion, there are many things that are more beneficial for a teenager than education. To start with, one of the most vital skills nowadays is the ability to communicate and built relationships with other people. Focusing on learning too much often results in poor interpersonal skills. Moreover, another important aspect of a person's life is his physical and mental health. Overworking in preparation for the exams or at school can be very stressful and can have a lasting impact on one's life and health. Finally, free time activities are no less important for children than learning at school.

Doing sports, reading books, watching films, drawing and other hobbies can give one a lot of advantages both at the workplace and in personal life.

On the other hand, some people think that the quality of education defines a person's future career. So teenagers must concentrate on studying hard if they want to find a well-paid and interesting job.

Nevertheless, I think that good education is not the most important factor in defining one's future success, because it is impossible to choose the right profession if the teenager doesn't know what is interesting to him. And it is difficult to discover one's talents and interests without participating in extracurricular activities.

To sum up, education is just one of many things that can be valuable for a teenager. Young people should focus less on studying for the exams and put more effort into finding things they are passionate about.


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