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Education is the most valuable thing for а teenager (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

More and more people are debating about the significance of the education for a teenager. Some people think that adolescents and need to relax and live their life until the day I will have to start working. Authors suppose that children should study hard to be successful in their career or social skills of communication.

I am convinced that youngsters should study. First and foremost, qualitative education will be useful for their future career. Their work will be better paid than the work for people without high education. Secondly, illiterate children will be less intelligent middle-aged who cannot communicate with educated people about some subjects of politic, history, economic, etc. This man will be blissfully-ignorant. Finally educated people are the best resource for Russian economic because the country need the experts in a lot of subjects from physics to history as more as a laborers.

Other people believe that students should not study because they need to enjoy their childhood before they start working. In addition, they believe that a lot of information will make teenager crazy because of their brain cannot stand so more.

I do not agree with this opinion. If parents give their child idyllic childhood, he will be not clever and will not be able to be profound person because he will not read, for example. Besides, people do not go

Mad because of education. On the contrary, there are a lot of disease like dementia or primary neuronal degeneration which pursuing uneducated or uncultured people.

Finally, There are two disputing views on the problem of education significance. I think that only education will help teenagers in the futuRe. (273).


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