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40.1 Education is the most valuable thing for a teenager (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In our modern life it impossible live without education. Nowadays people have different opinions about education. Some believe that education for teenagers are not important and they can build their life without some knowledge, but another side think that teenagers need education and should do all for having the best education.

In my opinion, that future of our country depends from us, from teenagers. Because young generation has new ideas which can really change our lives. Also if they will not have education they cannot do something that can help us and them also. Moreover everyone wants to have rich and successful life, in which you can travel a lot and do all what you want. But all this you can have just only with good education, because good education can give a good job with a big salary.

However, some people believe that teenagers can construct their life without good education or education also.

They sure if person has brains, he can do all what he wants, for example his own business or something like this. And for doing this one teenager does not need some special knowledge and he does not need to waste his time at the university.

I cannot agree with the opposite opinion because without education you cannot do something, because you do not know how to do it. Education can gives teenagers not only information how to do something, also it can gives some details which can help make it more successfully.

In conclusion I would like to say that just good studying open different ways for successful and interesting future life. You can choose that way which will be more pleasant for you.


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