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Новый год на английском (Школьные сочинения)

Winter is a wonderful time of the year. I love winter for letting you believe in miracles. In winter, they celebrate one of my favorite New Year holidays. It is celebrated when the calendar comes December 31st. This day is the last of the year, and it is celebrated from December 31 to January 01. New Year is celebrated by most peoples. The beginning of the new year is January 1. Before this wonderful holiday, all people buy Christmas trees and decorate them with beautiful toys and blinking garlands.

The city has a festive atmosphere, and absolutely all people are preparing for the holiday. In the evening, crazy beauty on the street. People decorate their windows with garlands, and when you look at them, you cannot take your eyes off this beauty.

Each year has a symbol. This may be the year of the dog, pig rooster, monkey. Also, there is such a holiday as the old New Year. It is celebrated on the night of January 13-14. But the main holiday, nevertheless, is the new year.

Before this wonderful holiday, we begin to prepare carefully, I decorate the apartment with New Year's toys, bright garlands, and colorful rain. Because of this, the apartment becomes more comfortable and more beautiful. Every year I write a letter to Santa Claus and a box on the window. I collect money for my parents for gifts and quietly lay down under the Christmas tree and pretend that I know nothing.

For each new year, my mother prepares a lot of yummy: jellied meat, various salads, baked meat in the oven, sandwiches with red caviar and much more, as well as champagne and many different fruits and sweets on the table. For the new year, we invite all relatives and friends. By 00:00, everyone has poured champagne in glasses, and while the chimes strike, everyone clink their glasses and make a wish. After that, everyone begins to celebrate the New Year, watch the blue light on TV, dance, sing songs and have fun.

When everyonesang songs and danced, then we go out and start the festive fireworks. There are a lot of people on the street and cries of delight and joy from this holiday are heard everywhere. In all the windows the light is on and people are having fun. When morning comes, the first thing I run to the tree is to see if my letter has arrived. I really like to open gifts from Santa Claus.

New Year is something unusual for me. I look forward to it every year. And there is such a belief "how to celebrate the new year so spend it" and that's for sure. I know for sure that this new year will be even happier and more fun.


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