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Some people think that extreme sports help to build character Пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people claim that extreme sports help to build a strong character, while others think that it damages us psychologically. In this essay, I would like to express my point of view on this issue.

In my opinion, extreme sports such as skydiving, rope jumping, snowboarding and many others are helpful to people who want to become more self-confident and brave. To begin with, everybody who does these kinds of sports faces lots of problems which he has to solve. For example, a skydiver has to calculate an altitude, speed and the weather condition to take ground. Furthermore, everybody has to be brave to overcome his fears such as high speed, not being in safe and many others. As an illustration, to win a Formula 1 competition drivers have to drive their car at a speed higher than 300 kmh.

Nevertheless, some people believe that extreme sports damage psychologically because of the enormous сonditions to people's body while they are doing amazing things like rope jumping or high-speed driving.

I can not agree with this opinion.

The reason is that the influence of enormous conditions is different from person to person. That’s why I can’t say that all extreme sports are dangerous for everybody.

In conclusion, despite the fact that some people believe in the damage of extreme sports, I am convinced that it can be the way to become a stronger, braver and more confident person.


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