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Ecotourism is useful for the environmental protection (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Environmental protection is the main topic for discussion nowadays. People start to understand that we need to cooperate and work together to save our planet from littering. But which way should we choose?

I think ecotourism is a good way to take part in environmental protection. Firstly, because ecotourism is zero-waste and you do not pollute nature. Secondly, while being engaged in ecotourism a person understands how strongly he is connected with nature and how much he depends on it, so it leads to the fact that a person will try to do more and more to protect the environment.

However, there is an opposite opinion that ecotourism can`t help to protect the environment. Firstly, because while engaged in ecotourism you are still consuming and it is very difficult to be absolutely zero-waste. Secondly, a few people know what is ecotourism in the right way and what it correctly means. Nowadays it is just a fashion trend and it can`t help to protect the environment.

By disagreeing with the previous passage, I think that people`s attempt to litter less and to be careful with nature while traveling is very good and it is better than nothing.

If more and more people litter less, pollution will stop one day. Moreover, I think there is nothing wrong in ecotourism being a fashion trend nowadays or in that fact that not everybody knows what to do. We should educate people and promote ecotourism as much as we can because it is very important for saving nature.

In conclusion, many men many minds, but I would recommend to everyone to try ecotourism because nature is in danger and we need to protect it.


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