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Education (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Studying at school, I had difficulty imagine where I will go to study after. I only had one small goal – to finish school with a gold medal. And I managed it. It taught me diligence and discipline. And also it taught to think and make the best decision. One of these solutions is the choice of our university. Of course, there are many good universities.

For example, Stanford. It has an interesting story. It was built by the father in memory of the dead son. He said: “California children will be our children”. And it was a good decision. Now at Stanford professors are conducting research and, of course, they are teaching promising students. Each year, Stanford receives about 6700 undergraduates and 8000 graduate students from the United States and around the world.

I saw some lectures on video and I can say that Stanford studies are conducted at a high level. They know how to explain complex things in simple words.

But I think that the same basic knowledge can be obtained at Chelyabinsk State University, and then develop independently. Because the best learning is reading different literature. And Chelyabinsk State University will help on this way.

Chelyabinsk State University is one of the leading scientific centers of the South Ural. In 1976 it had only two faculties, now there are 19 of them. Many graduates of Chelyabinsk State University have become successful specialists.

Now I am studying at this university. I receive a special defectological education. I plan to study this discipline in order to work on it in the future and help people.

Такое вот небольшое сочинение на тему образования. Не уверена, что с построением предложений всё сделано верно, потому что никто не проверял. Разве что гугл-переводчик и мои скромные познания. Тем не менее считаю, что сочинение поможет тем, кто готовится по данной теме перед каким-либо выступлением или при выполнении домашнего задания. Также здесь есть небольшая сводка об университетах, что тоже может помочь. Благодарю за внимание.


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