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1. One should read about historical sites before sightseeing 2. Online education is an excellent alternative to traditional education (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)


Travelling is very popular nowadays. There are many viewpoints about importance of learning information about the place you want to visit. Some people agree with it while others are against.

My personal view is that it should be better to read about historical places before travelling. To begin with, your mind will be broaden and you will be more clever.

Besides, it will save your money because you will not need the excursion.

Nevertheless, some people think differently. They say that it is not as interesting as it could be while your guide could tell and show you everything.

However, veracious it sounds, I would not agree with the opinion above. the guides can make mistakes or forget something. It is easier to find an information by yourself. Moreover, nowadays you will find all you need on the Internet.

Taking into conclusion all mentioned above, I would like to say that it is up to you to decide to read about historical sites before sightseeing or not. As for me, it is a good idea. Anyway, it will not be excess for everyone.


Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about an online education. Some people say that distant education can replace classic lessons perfectly. However, there are people holding an opposite opinion.

As for me, distant education is not an excellent alternative. To begin with, you will not waste time for a road from your home to a university or school. Besides, it is a perfect idea for people who have a work or a family and children because they do not have to spend all their day in the university. Also, there are small towns with no universities. People who live there do not have an opportunity to have classic lessons.

All the same, some people think differently. They consider that when you are at home, you relax and you do not have much concentration for a studying. Furthermore, there is no real contact with a teacher face to face. The level of an online education is lower than level of classic lessons.

However veracious it sounds, I would not agree with the opinion above. I think that it is easier to recognize an information at home because nothing interrupts you and you can focus only on learning. Also, there are many programs for video calls with teachers which can substitute a real contact.

Taking into conclusion all mentioned above, I would like to say that it is up to you to choose an online education or classic lessons. In my opinion, distant learning is an excellent alternative to traditional studying.


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