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Рассказ о себе (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Writing a story about me was harder than it seemed at first. Indeed, if I began to tell you stories from my life, it would be just a chain of events. But my thoughts and fillings would not be shown fully. So, my personality would be a little in this story. But I do not want it. Therefore, I would rather to tell you about important for me.

Firstly, it is friendship. Without friends I would have a hard time. But I am lucky. And I fondly remember the time, which we spent together, and the feelings, which bind us. And I am proud to know such wonderful people as my friends.

Secondly, it is writing. I have always wondered how a word can influence on people. Becouse of the throughts of one person the worldview of all mankind can change.

Like a butterfly Effect. Therefore, I have been witing down something that seems interisting and exciting to me for several years.

Thirdly, it is music. Every day I listen different songs and sometimes I try to play the guitar myself.

What else to add? This bracelet is a present from a very good person. (Рассказ о себе был представлен для аудитории. И была задача - принести какую-то символичную вещь из дома или создать презентацию. В моём случае это был браслет на моём запястье. Его частью являлась бесконечность.) You can see infinity on it. For me, this is a sign of choises and consequences. This is a huge number of opportunities, accidents and soluthions. And infinity is in my hand now. What should I do with it? The answer to this question will become a honest story about me. But the answer will come with time.

Если вкратце говорить о смысле данного описания, то можно отметить, что я рассказываю о том, что является важным для меня. Ведь это самое лучшее описание человека - узнать, что для него является важным, значимым в его жизни. Для меня это дружба, писательство и музыка. И собственно каждое своё увлечение я рассматриваю со стороны того, что именно меня заинтересовало в нём.


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