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Children living in big cities have better educational opportunities that those who live in small towns or villages Эссе по английскому (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The question of where do children can get the best educational opportunity has always aroused heated debates. The point is some people believe that it is better to educate in a metropolis while others claim that it is possible to get an excellent education that is not different from urban in a small town or village.

In my opinion, it is only possible to get a great education in big cities. Firstly, there are a lot of Universities, schools and other educational institutions with skilled teachers who can give you their knowledge. Secondly, you will have huge motivation to study and develop, when you communicate with people who have already succeeded in any spheres. Thirdly, you can find countless courses in big cities and do whatever you really adore.

However, some people think that there are a lot of educational opportunities in small towns and villages.

In their view, there is no need to move to a metropolis to educate because the Internet can give people knowledge that are similar with the best World’s educational establishments.

Personally, I do not agree with the above opinion. I am convinced that the Internet information is not often true. Moreover, it cannot compare with people’s experience that they have obstinately earned for years.

To sum up, I think that big cities give plenty of opportunities that can help people to get an education and find what they actually like and be the best at it.


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