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Imagine that you are doing a project on why people in Zetland move to small towns (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are a lot of people who decide to leave big cities and start living in small towns.

One more remarkable feature of the statistics consists in the fact that the second most popular motivator is a better ecology (28%).

The information contained in the table also shows that, surprisingly, only 8% of the people polled choose to move based on the availability of big houses in small towns, which makes this reason almost 5 times less popular than the aforementioned sense of community. This means that people prefer psychological comfort to physical convenience.

However promising moving to a small town may seem, it is often connected with certain difficulties. For example, a serious potential problem is that residents of little towns do not usually have a wide choice in terms of getting education.

Luckily, due to the Internet, they can learn online and enjoy access to all the best that the educational system has.

I would like to conclude by saying that, from my point of view, living in small towns has a lot of advantages. Small towns offer a better ecology and a comfortable psychological atmosphere, which is essential for a person to be healthy and happy.

Количество слов – 270.

Словарик к тексту:

currently – в настоящее время

aimed at – нацеленный на

to establish – установить, выяснить

relevant – имеющий отношение к делу, представляющий интерес

a sense of community – чувство общности

a remarkable feature – примечательная черта, особенность

a motivator – мотивирующий фактор

surprisingly – как ни странно, неожиданно, удивительным образом

based on – на основании, опираясь на, исходя из, руководствуясь

availability – доступность

aforementioned – упомянутый выше

convenience – удобство

in terms of – в плане, с точки зрения

essential – важнейший, фундаментальный, основополагающий, неотъемлемый


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