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Сборник сочинений на английском языке (часть 1) (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Сочинение на тему «THE PRIORITY OF ZOOS»

In our modern life we can visit a zoo in almost every major city. Animals who live in this place bring the joy to children. But those animals are in captivity, there is no conditions of wildlife. So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos?

There are many positive aspects to keeping animals in zoos. First of all, animals are in safety, they can not be killed by poachers, other animals or anything like that in such like provision. Also, animals can reproduce or multiply without any worry of danger. Third part is that every zoo's visitor can watch the behavior of animals, this is definitely interesting to everyone.

On the other hand, keeping animals in zoos has some disadvantages. To begin with, as I noticed, there isn't wildlife conditions in zoos, animals have to live in a captivity.

Next, that is the territory of zoos occupy a large area in the city. On the spot of entertainment event we can create a more useful public or residential areas.

All things considered, although there are many advantages to keeping animals in zoos, can't be any excuse to build a reserves for harmony. That is why I argue that creating a nature preserves is the best way for solution.

Рассказ на тему «THE VIEWS OF LONDON»

Good day, ladies and gentlemen. London welcomes you. In this trip we are going to see many wonderful points of this city right on our boat. Let's begin.

So, there's the first one. If you want to take a look on London with a bird's eye view this big wheel just for you. It's called London Eye. Now we are getting into medieval. Our next station is The London Tower. It has been a prison, fortress and an arsenal in a primal time.

Now we are approaching the London Dungeon, great attraction with a scary labyrinth of mirrors. After this experience you will telling many stories your friends. And the last one is Shakespeare's Globe Theater. This miracle was completed in 1997 and it's not just an Theater. It's also education work shop and place for a permanent exhibition showing visitors the Theater in Shakespeare's time.

So, on this our excursion has come to an end. We hope that you have learned a lot about the sights of the famous capital of the United Kingdom.


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