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Письмо другу на английском языке (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Thank you for your letter! It was nice to hear from you again. Sorry I haven’t written for a long time. because I was busy preparing for my exams.

Now, I’d like to answer your questions. In fact, there’re a lot of environment problems in my region but the most serious are water and air pollution.As for me, I think recycling is an effective method to stop the destruction of the environment.Do you know, when was the shopping center built? How often do you go to this shopping mall? What do you prefer to buy there: books, clothes or food?Thank you for your letter. It was great to hear from you again. Sorry for not writing for ages. I’ve been really busy with my exams.

Let me answer your questions.(1) Actually, I like taking part in such events.(2)

In which events? Nobody knows. No indication in sentence 1, neither in sentence 2.• немного сложный и самый трудный при этом? Противоречие, неполное понимание при использовании языка.


I try to practice English every day. I usually watch some films, programs or TV shows in English in order to understand it better.

(Тут нужна вступительная фраза для части вопросов. – You are so clever to read books in a library!) By the way, what library did you go yesterday? Did you find a the (К3) necessary book? How often do you go to the library?

That’s all for now. Hope to hear from you soon.

Dear Rosa,

Thank you for your letter! Sorry, I didn’t have time to write to you. I wish you hadn’t had an argument with Miranda.

Actually, I have also been in a similar situation recently. For example, last week I argued with my best friend Mike.

Honestly, we usually argue about who is stronger. He proves that he is, whereas I say that I am.


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