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Эссе Having pets helps to reduce stress. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, having pets is becoming very popular. Some people think that pets decrease your stress, while others believe that animals are useless.

As for me, I believe that pets can reduce stress. Firstly, having pets makes us happy. For example, these animals can entertain us when we have problems. Secondly, children really like animals, so pets become their best friends, and children feel less lonely. For example, my sister Ann often have stress at school, but she feels better talking to our cat.

Nevertheless, some people are inclined to believe that pets are useless.

Firstly, they are convinced that pets do not have a soul and cannot help people to deal with their stress. For example, my classmates claim that their domestic animals have never made them happy. Secondly, some animas are angry, so people afraid to let them live at home.

However, I disagree with this point of view. If your pets do not make you happy, it means that the problem is in you. They are able to feel out emotions, so they do not trust cruel people. Moreover, not all domestic animals are angry. Most of them love people and never harm them. For example, my mother always says that animals behave like their owners, so if you are kind and want to reduce stress, your pet will help you.

To sum it up, even though some people may disagree with me, I believe that pets really help us to reduce stress. The most important thing is to be kind with them.

I really try to do my best when i was writing this essey. Hope, that it will help you in your preparations to the main exams. See you later)

Good luck!


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