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Having pets helps to reduce stress пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem of reducing stress is often raised for discussions. Some people think that the best helpers in redusing stress are domestic animals, whereas others hold the view that pets are absolutely unuseful for coping with stress. I will try to express my pwn opinion on this issue in the essay.

Personally, I am concerned that domestic animals really help to reduce stress. Firstly, having own animal enforces you to do sport almost every day. You should walk with your pet at least twice a day and look after it. Besides, it is necessary to train some kinds of animals. For example, dogs always need physical exercises and you must do all these exercises with your pet. Sport activit, especially when you do it with your small friend, gives you a lot of power and energy.

Secondly, if you have a domestic animal, you will never feel alone. Pets always wait for their owner and they are so happy to see him or her. Also, you can play with the pet or even talk with it in any moment. Your pets never betray you.

However, not all people share my point of view. They think having an animal at home is a very big responsibility. You must feed it, cure it or send to the hospital and take care of it. It can be so stressful.

To a certain extent, it is right, but I can not totally agree with the previous opinion. Sure, taking care of a pet is a responsibility. But if you really love this creature, the responsibility will not so hard for you. Moreover, having a responsibility for some life makes your character strong.

In conclusion, I want to say that some people can disagree with me, but I consider that the best way to cope with stress is to have domestic animals. Their love will always make you happier.


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