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Some mothers feel that their kids should not have to do household chores, especially if mothers stay at home. Other mothers feel that kids should have some responsibilities around the house. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The issue of doing household chores has always aroused serious debates. Some people believe that children should not share their responsibilities around the house, while others claim that it is necessary to give them a list of chores.

I am absolutely sure that children should do household chores, and the reasons for this are as follows. To start with, doing housework at regular intervals teaches children to be disciplined and organize their time properly to do all they have to. Additionally, when home chores are done on a daily basis kids realize how much effort it takes to maintain a house. Thus, they learn to respect others’ work and take care of their parents and themselves as well.

However, some people think otherwise.

The opponents of the above view are convinced that children should not divide responsibilities around the house as they do not have enough time. They say that kids are to busy studying at school nowadays and they cannot spend much time doing housework.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with the above argument. I strongly believe that if children are responsible and can split their time, they will manage to balance household chores and homework easily.

To sum up, I am firmly convinced that housework is essential for kids irrespective of the opposing opinion. It helps them to be more organized and attentive to other people’s efforts.

I really hope that my own point of the view is understandable for anybody who read my text. Thanks for your attention friends.

Really hope, that this writing will help you with your future exams)


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