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Life in the countryside is not for young people (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

12 из 14
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These days, there are different opinions about living in the countryside. Some people think that the countryside is not for young people, while others argue that it is the best place to live for them.

In my opinion, living in urban areas is far preferable to living in rural areas for young people for a number of reasons. Firstly, cities offer a great number of opportunities for teenagers. Young people can have quality social life and meet with interesting people on a daily basis. It often helps them to build advanced social skills which will be useful in adulthood. Secondly, cities have many places of entertainment. Young city dwellers can go from cinemas and discos to museums, parks and zoos.

They will never get bored if they have various places to go out. Finally, in cities teenagers may have a possibility to receive a decent education, whereas the countryside might often have only one school which does not have professional teachers.

However, some people believe that living in the countryside is a better option for young people. The countryside offers organic food, clean air and unpolluted water, which lead to great conditions for growing up and building strong health.

Despite this argument, I cannot agree that a good environment is the main reason why teenagers should live in the countryside. Teenagers may have access to high-quality healthcare in cities. City residents can often have a better medical help, while villagers may not get qualified therapy.

In conclusion, although there are different points of view on the issue of living in the countryside, I am inclined to believe that living in the city is a better alternative for young people.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 2 балла

Автор превысил допустимый объём сочинения, использовав 279 слов вместо максимально разрешённых 275. Согласно правилам проверки, анализу поэтому подлежит только фрагмент сочинения до предложения City residents can often have a better medical help, while villagers may not get qualified therapy включительно. Соответственно, заключение не учитывается при вынесении общего балла за эссе.

К2 (организация текста) – 2 балла

Из-за превышения объёма в проверяемый фрагмент не попадает заключительный абзац с выводом автора.

К3 (лексика) – 3 балла

which lead to great conditions – which create great conditions [Желательно заменить глагол lead («приводить») на create («создавать»).

К4 (грамматика) – 3 балла

have quality social life – have a quality social life [Нужен артикль].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 2 балла

in cities teenagers – in cities, teenagers [Желательна запятая].

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