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Life in the countryside is not for young people 837 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Most people agree that lifestyle in a village does not suit teenagers and children. However, some grandparents support the opposite point of view.

To my mind living in a country for a young boy or girl is actually weird since youth require more energetic way of life than a usual quiet “sleepy hollow”. In addition, as a rule, there are not so many places of interest in a village such as cinemas, attraction parks and usual shopping malls which can provide a range of bright emotions for a teenager. Moreover, an undeveloped town cannot give certified and professional education which is so important nowadays.

Nevertheless, many grandparents claim that it is better for a child to live in a small village according to fresh air and natural recreation areas. More than that, grandparents want to be closer to their grandchildren and, therefore, consider that youth should live at their place.

Personally I cannot fully agree with this opinion since numerous cities develop purification systems and ecology organizations which reduce pollution and waste dumping.

Moreover, youth should live their own life and start a family rather than keep on spending life in a quiet place.

To sum up, I am convinced that country lifestyle does not satisfy teenagers’ demands in active pastime and professional education, even though youth is not to forget about their roots and connection with relatives.

Words: 228


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