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Composition is my favorite actor (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Composition is my favorite actor

In 2013 and 2016, the jury of the next seasons of the TV contest The Minute of Fame included famous actor Sergei Jursky, whose diverse work became a bright page in Russian cinema. He was born in Leningrad in the family of the director of the Moscow Circus. The pseudonym Jurassic was taken back in his youth by his father, the nobleman Zhikharev. The artist's mother taught music.

As a child, the future actor spent all his free time behind the scenes of the circus and dreamed of becoming a clown, like Yuri Nikulin, who was just starting his performances in the arena. Parents, who knew the difficulties of the acting profession, did not allow him to connect his life with the theater. Later, a young man who studied law at the University of Leningrad, took part in student performances of the university theater group. The call prevailed: in three years he entered the theater institute, and two years later he was invited to work in the BDT.

In the sixties he was given the main roles in the plays.

He plays Chatsky, Tuzenbach, Aesop, Professor Polezhaev. The actor becomes famous throughout the country after performing the roles of Viknicsor (Republic of ShKID), Ostap Bender (Golden calf), Doctor Gruzdev (The meeting place can not be changed), Uncle Mitya (Love and Pigeons). Jurassic created several prosaic and dramatic books.

In the 70 years, Jurassic public position and support of Joseph Brodsky brought upon himself the disfavor of the authorities. He had to leave the theater and move to Moscow, where he was admitted to the Moscow City Theater. Sergei Yurievich continues to maintain an active public position to the present day. He responds to all the exciting events of our time: he defended NTV, called for a halt to the war in Chechnya through peaceful negotiations, repeatedly participated in protest actions, supported animal advocates. His wife met the artist on the set of the movie Love and Pigeons, where both experienced a great feeling.

The actor starred in a hundred and fifty films, mostly detective, as well as comedies and serials, although in the choice of roles he is very selective, never plays casual, passing roles. His partners were wonderful masters of cinema. The special individuality and unique image of the actor, his inimitable humor bring Jurassic deserved love to the audience.


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