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How human beauty affects the relationships between people is the problem over which L.V. Petranovskaya. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

How human beauty affects the relationships between people is the problem over which L.V. Petranovskaya.

The author of the essay, discussing the life path of such beauties as Cleopatra, Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana, concludes that very beautiful people, as a rule, are unhappy. The psychologist also finds the causes of their troubles: spoiled from childhood, callousness, selfishness, arrogance. All these features of beauties and handsome men, in her opinion, cause others to reluctant to associate their lives with them, because these people are not able to understand another person.

The position of the author of this essay is clear: a handsome, outward person very often can not find his place in life, in society, he is unhappy, because he is selfish, arrogant, spoiled.

I completely share the author's idea, because I believe that beautiful people are always arrogant, lack of tact and sensitivity, it is difficult not only to go along with them, but also to communicate with them.

A vivid example of the fact that beauty can make everyone around him unhappy is the heroine of LN's novel. Tolstoy "War and Peace" by Helen Bezukhova. At the beginning of the novel, the charm of this woman made others admire her, and in the end - to think about this depraved and selfish person with contempt.

On the Internet, I recently got acquainted with the results of a sociological poll on the topic: "Whatever you saw as your life companion." Of the three answers, most of the young people stopped at the answer "attractive, but ugly." In the next question they explained their choice by the fact that "with beautiful ones it is boring and not reliable ..."

I conclude that beauty can influence the relationships between people, as a rule, negatively.The author of the essay, discussing the life path of such beauties as Cleopatra, Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana, concludes that very beautiful people, as a rule, are unhappy. The psychologist also finds the causes of their troubles: spoiled from childhood, callousness, selfishness, arrogance. All these features of beauties and handsome men, in her opinion, cause others to reluctant to associate their lives with them, because these people are not able to understand another person. The position of the author of this essay is clear: a handsome, outward person very often can not find his place in life, in society, he is unhappy, because he is selfish, arrogant, spoiled.

I completely share the author's idea, because I believe that beautiful people are always arrogant, lack of tact and sensitivity, it is difficult not only to go along with them, but also to communicate with them.

A vivid example of the fact that beauty can make everyone around him unhappy is the heroine of LN's novel. Tolstoy "War and Peace" by Helen Bezukhova. At the beginning of the novel, the charm of this woman made others admire her, and in the end - to think about this depraved and selfish person with contempt.


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