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Resentment should not accumulate in our hearts and in our memory - this is the problem over which the author reasons. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Resentment should not accumulate in our hearts and in our memory - this is the problem over which the author reasons.

This moral question belongs to the category of the eternal, as not one person meditated on it for centuries. We think about this and we, but much less often than our predecessors.

The author believes that resentment is a feeling that does not help us, but only hinders to live and rejoice in everything good. And there is much more good in our world than bad. Only without knowing the insult, a person understands that in his heart there is a place for bright and cheerful thoughts, for plans for the future, but not for insults!

I fully share the author's point of view.

Indeed, resentment should not accumulate in our hearts: it overshadows the life of a person.

Reflecting on this problem, I recall the novel by Yuri Korotkov "Gray-haired." The protagonist Oleg for many years kept his resentment against his own mother for the fact that she turned in children's home for children. Oleg turned gray at the age of seven. The offense of a decade burned his soul. He did not make friends with anyone, did not love anyone, did not fear anyone. Fist - was the only "dignity" of the hero. With his help, he defended his honor, the honor of his sister. And only after the tragic death of a friend Alexander Petukhov will try to justify his mother, forget the offense and as a result will go to her grave ...

I forever remembered the story - the parable of two friends. One of them said: "When someone offends us, we should write about it on the sand so that the winds can erase the record. But when someone does something good, we must engrave it on a stone so that no wind can erase it. "

Reflecting on this problem, I recall the novel by Yuri Korotkov "Gray-haired." The protagonist Oleg for many years kept his resentment against his own mother for the fact that she turned in children's home for children. Oleg turned gray at the age of seven. The offense of a decade burned his soul. He did not make friends with anyone, did not love anyone, did not fear anyone. Fist - was the only "dignity" of the hero. With his help, he defended his honor, the honor of his sister. And only after the tragic death of a friend Alexander Petukhov will try to justify his mother, forget the offense and as a result will go to her grave ...

In my opinion, it is better not to say!


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