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The desire for luxury, eating out the human soul, is the problem over which S. Soloveichik reflects. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The desire for luxury, eating out the human soul, is the problem over which S. Soloveichik reflects.

The moral question posed in the text is one of the eternal questions in the literature. Even in the Bible it was said that "the root of all evil is avarice", which allows to live in luxury. This problem has become especially acute nowadays, when hundreds of people living in luxury confront thousands who live in poverty.

The author of the text, paying much attention to the argument about how the poor envy the lives of the rich, only a few lines draws on a story about the life of the latter.

They, in his opinion, are unhappy: luxury did not help them either in the choice of a loved one (and often interfered with), nor in the search for the cause of all life, did not give a simple human peace. Wealth, according to the author, "kills the soul."

I share the view of S. Soloveichik: rich people are very rarely happy.

I recall the words of Augustine the Blessed, a Christian writer, philosopher, theologian, one of the fathers of the church: "You are blinded by the gold shining in the house of the rich; you, of course, see what they have, but you do not see what they lack. "

As another example, I want to quote the story of Anton Chekhov "Anna on the neck", showing how a kind, charming girl, having married an old man and plunging into luxury, changed, became stale, dry, forgot about her once beloved brothers and father.

Thus, I can conclude that the thirst for gold drains the heart, they are closed for compassion, they do not heed the voice of friendship, they break even the blood ties.

The author of the text, paying much attention to the argument about how the poor envy the lives of the rich, only a few lines draws on a story about the life of the latter. They, in his opinion, are unhappy: luxury did not help them either in the choice of a loved one (and often interfered with), nor in the search for the cause of all life, did not give a simple human peace. Wealth, according to the author, "kills the soul."


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