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We must be deaf and blind not to notice the endlessly changing pictures of the world - this is the problem over which the Russian writer V. Belov is discussing. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

We must be deaf and blind not to notice the endlessly changing pictures of the world - this is the problem over which the Russian writer V. Belov is discussing.

This moral question is very relevant, because V. Belov's contemporaries and my peers have forgotten how to see the beauty of nature surrounding us.

Almost the entire text, a type of speech referring to the description, is an admiration for the beauty of the Russian North. In the final lines of the essay, Vasily Belov seems to pronounce a verdict on his compatriots, sometimes deaf and blind, who do not notice the endlessly changing pictures of the world.

I completely agree with the opinion of the author.

A person must, is obliged to love and appreciate all the beauty of the world around us.

In the story of Vasily Makakovich Shukshin "The Old Man, the Sun and the Girl" we see an amazing example of the attitude to the native nature that surrounds us. The old man, the hero of the work, comes to the same place every evening and watches the sun go down. Next to the girl-artist, he comments on the every minute changing colors of the sunset. How unexpected it will be for us, the readers, and the heroine to discover that the old man is, it turns out, blind! For more than 10 years! How to love your native land, to remember for decades its beauty !!!

I will soon leave my native village, but with confidence I can say that its amazing views will forever remain in my memory. And stunning pictures, opening from the hills, and a magnificent forest, and a wonderful reservoir, and succulent fields, and the whole glistening river! How not to admire the beauty of their native places?

The old man, the hero of the work, comes to the same place every evening and watches the sun go down. Next to the girl-artist, he comments on the every minute changing colors of the sunset. How unexpected it will be for us, the readers, and the heroine to discover that the old man is, it turns out, blind! For more than 10 years!


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