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It’s impossible to master a foreign language completely (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Learning foreign languages isn’t a privilege today, it’s a necessity, a priority. People learn languages for many purposes: for travelling, communication without barriers, work, education, on business or just for pleasure. People study languages for years and get international certificates confirming the level of language proficiency. Lots of them are eager to master a foreign language completely, but is it possible indeed?

In my opinion, a person isn’t able to master a foreign language completely. First of all, language is a very flexible, ever-changing thing. It means that lots of new words, terms and definitions come to and thousands of obsolete words are removed from a language over time. It’s a long-term and continuous process. So, even native speakers physically can’t master their mother tongue at all as there will always be unknown words in their vocabularies.

esides, even an outstanding foreign language learner won’t have a linguistic flair on the same level as a native speaker has because it is obtained from the very childhood and it’s a part a person’s national identity.

A learner can’t understand all stylistic and national subtleties as native speakers sometimes use them intuitively and subconsciously. It’s quite an inexplicable phenomena because in these cases a native speaker just say: “I feel like this”. As for the local slang and dialects, it’s also very specific thing, which is peculiar to a certain area, group of people or a particular situation. It is usually used in the informal context and not so familiar to language learners. Furthermore, I think that language proficiency includes not only acquiring knowledge of grammatical and lexical rules and fluent speech but also knowledge of history, culture and sense of national humor, which is quite often difficult to understand for foreigners who are not the part of the national identity of the language being studied. That’s another reason why it’s impossible to master a foreign language completely. The last but not least point is that people of different languages have various language world pictures which forms their mindsets in a different way. In fact, language plays a crucial role in shaping how we perceive and interpret reality. That’s why a foreign language learner can’t think and build logical chains in the way which is natural for native speakers.


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