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Unachievable goals don’t exist (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Setting achievable goals is a leading force to succeed in different spheres of life. People face lots of difficulties on their path through the whole life, but they have to have a clear awareness of the fact that to make their dreams come true they need to develop and strictly follow their own aims anyway. People make lots of effort to get closer to their ambitions, and a big amount of them sees achieving their goals like sense of life.

I am deeply convinced that unachievable goals do not exist. I even have a screensaver on my laptop with a quote “You are your only limit”. It means that only a person themselves can set boundaries and limits in their achievements. Working with your own mindset has a great influence on your attitude to things you truly deserve and can reach. A person who is initially confident in their abilities, who can confront their fears and who does not afraid of fails has much more chances to accomplish all their goals how ambitious and unachievable they seemed to be.

In this way one becomes like a unstoppable locomotive and nothing and no one can make them give up. People should rely only on themselves and understand that they are the only ones who are responsible for all their acts. Lots of people reject their aims just because they estimate themselves like not worthy of this or under pressure from society because people claim it is something unreal, too cool and ambitious for you and you are unlikely to reach this.

But in fact if one is determined enough, has all necessary skills and resources and a clear, step-by-step organised plan, they can achieve everything. You should always keep in mind that it’s just society’s prejudices and should perceive their comments critically.

Of course, it can take years to pursue a dream and lots of mistakes can be made and fails can happen. That is why a person should be prepared to this beforehand and just continue working at their ambitions. And then even unattainable goals will become attainable.


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