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Celebrities cannot exist without mass media (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays mass media has become a big part of the modern society, and that is probably why he know so many celebrities. But what if there was no television or Internet? Would you still know about all the famous stars? Different people have different opinions on this topic.

My personal opinion is that without the mass media there would still be people who we could call celebrities. That it because, first of all, of the fact that even without the mass media people can get information about local events so it still would be possible for people to become, for example, a famous singer in your town. Second of all, it is still possible for information to cover long distances thanks to people talking about it, so you can become famous even worldwide.

Some people disagree with that, they say that with without the mass media one can not really become famous because,as they think, the process of becoming a celebrity is strongly connected with show-business, rumors and scandals on the TV or radio.

I do not agree with such an opinion. The way of becoming well-known is not necessarily connected with all the dirt that frequently appears in mass media, it is more about the talents that a person has, their charisma and their ambition.

In conclusion, I would like to state that most of us cannot imagine their lives without the mass media, it is extremely important to sometimes be distracted from watching a TV-show focusing on developing your own skills and talents.


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