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Some parents think that having a computer at home will help their children to get a better education. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Problem of invading computers into our routine is very important nowadays. It is widely discussed whether should children have access to the computer to study. Some people agree with this statement while others doubt it is true.

As for me, this statement is true. Firstly, it is impossible to study without internet nowadays. Children must listen to audio tapes at home, make presentations and unite into groups to make projects. Secondly, there are enormous possibilities for learning new skill on the internet. There we can find dozens of sites that allow people to learn foreign languages and skills like programming.

Some of them are free while other have a fee which is still less that studying in university. Moreover, computers with an internet access give children an ability to contact with people from different countries and find motivation for studying.

On the other hand, youngsters can easily get distracted by numerous video games and movies. It is easy to stark asking homework and forhet about it completely after ten minutes of chating. Also, not everything on the internet is true. Some information can be wrong, and it can cause bad consequences.

Anyway, not only computer distracts children. Their friends, books, toys and many other things do the same as video games. Also, youngsters can develop their deduction by discriminating which information is right.

In a nutshell, I am totally voting for having a computer at home because it can help children to develop various skill which are going to be integral in their future lives.


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