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Some parents think having a computer at home will help their children to get a better education (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some parents are convinced that it is not worth it to have a PC at home, as it brings only harm to children’s education and cannot make it better. However, others have different point of view. In this essay I will try to look upon this issue.

In my opinion, having a computer will certainly help children to get a better education. Firstly, kids can find a lot of useful information with the help of a PC. They can look for different articles and books on the internet, which allow students to get profound knowledge and be prepared for a lesson properly. Moreover, surfing the Internet you can find a great number of various free and commercial courses. They make learning process more fascinating and effective and provide deep knowledge of every subject a child need. Finally, computers with an internet access give children an ability to contact with various people from different countries, explore the world and find motivation for studying.

However, some parents believe that having a computer will not help their children to get a better education, because they will use the computer only for entertaining.

Parents are convinced when there is a PC at home, their children will waste their time on playing videogames or social networking.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this statement. To my mind, parents should control children’s time in front of a computer screen. Only parents can keep an eye on actions of their children, prevent them from wasting the time on videogames and teach them of using a PC wisely.

To sum up, I would like to emphasize that the computer provides a great opportunity to improve one’s education, so it is essential to have it at home.


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