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Some countries import a large amount of food from other part of the world. To what extent is that a positive or negative trend? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nations are significantly importing a huge number of products, and it influences the economy of both countries. I reckon transporting food to other territories has both positive and negative effects on people.

The negative aspect of the rising proportion of imports is the dominant domestic goods. Increasing the index of importing food related to lost jobs for many local farmers and entrepreneurs. Huge numbers of people consider foreign products are healthier and more high-quality than domestic ones.

If the community do not buy home foods but buys exterior, the cost of importing products will dramatically increase and significant decline in local foods. As result, the regional product will give way to foreign goods and the economy of the country, which imports have fallen. It is causing negative effects on various of aspects of life society, such as quality of life and infrastructure of the market.

Having said that, importing food has beneficial sites to communities. One good example is the transportation of goods in ancient times in China, Europe, and some deserts of Central Asia, when traders import huge numbers of goods abroad. Numerous people are informed about new products, the culture of some countries, and they broaden their horizons. It is noticeable that society was becoming more educated than before. In addition, tradesmen bring in the seed of diverse plants, and it leads to the dissemination of various types of fruits and vegetables all over the world.

In conclusion, I have mixed opinions about the discussed topic, and it is difficult to say what is good or bad, but in my humble opinion importing foods has as positive as a negative influence on society.


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