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The negative effects of tourism outweigh the positive ones + letter (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

No doubt, annually thousands of tourists travel all over the world searching for new interesting places of visit. Some people consider tourism to be rather destructive for both cities and inhabitants, while others disagree. So, what is the real meaning of tourism nowadays? Let me express my point of view.

In my opinion, tourism has more advantages, than disadvantages. Firstly, it is a good opportunity for any country to improve its financial position and increase its annual income. Secondly, this kind of activity gives people a unique chance to enlarge their horizons. For example, visiting other countries is the best way to learn a plenty of interesting things about different cultures, traditions and history of new countries.

However, some people consider tourism to be disastrous for ancient monuments of cultural heritage.

Many tourists quite often can ruin cities’ attractions, make too much mess and noise.

I strongly disagree with such point of view, because nowadays the majority of people, traveling around the world are educated and polite people, who respect cultural heritage of each country. Secondly, modern tourists follow local rules and avoid doing transgressions for safety of themselves.

To sum up, tourism is an integral part of international relations and cultural development of people, which gives them an opportunity to leant lots of new, traveling around the world.



December 15

Dear Pam,

Thank you for your letter. I was glad to hear from you again. That’s great, you are going to Italy with your friends in summer.

You asked me about my household chores. Well, I always help my mother about the house, because she often feels tired after work. Actually, my household duties are the following: I have to clean my room, wash the dishes and take my dog Trosha out for a walk. To tell the truth, I don’t think all these tasks to be a problem for me. Firstly, they are quite simple, secondly, they don’t take much time.

So, how much time are you going to spend in Italy? What places of interest are you going to see? How many friends will join you?

Sorry, I have to go now. Drop me a line.

Take care,

Your Julia


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