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Summer holidays in the countryside are the best for teenagers пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Summer holidays are sure to be the most pleasant time for adolecents. Some people find the counуryside the most appropriate place for them to have a good time.

As far as I am concerned, I do not believe that living in a village can be a good place for the youth to deal with while their holidays.

To begin with, there are no places of enterainment to experiere fun and frolic not to feel bored. What is more, such plece cannot provide you with theatres, proper libraries or museums, picture galleries and similar stuff to expand your outlook and become knowledgeable in many ways. Moreover, having nothing to do can contribute to acquiring bad habis like drinking alcohol, smoking and practicing substance abuse.

Nevertheless, there are people who do not think so.

It is good for adolescents to be on the open air having an opportunity to improve their heath.

Besides, being in the countryside spans piece and quietness offering teenagers to avoid bustle, jostle and noise of the big city to calm down.

It depends. I do not quite agree with these points of view. It is not considered quite cognitive for youngsters to ramble along the streets spending their time for nothing. Furthermore, the atmosphere of the countryside can leed to feeling bored and experiencing depression being deprived of fun and merriment.

To sum up, I am not lible to think that summer holidays in the countrgside can appeal to juveniles. Under the circumstances teenagers can become disappointed by lack of amusement and proper places to spend time in.


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