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The popularity of some hobbies depends on culture and traditions of the country / The great inventions (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Hi Edward,

It’s always good to hear from you! I will help, not a problem at all. Yeah, I think the popularity of some hobbies depends on culture and traditions of the country. For example, Great Britain is popular for its high-quality whiskey, and some people like to get to a bar and watch a game of football after work. You can’t imagine that in Saudi Arabia, where alcohol is restricted due to religion. Russians have different hobbies, from skiing to even surfing. Talking about my family – I like bartending and extreme driving, while my wife is a gamer and an artist.

You mentioned your exam, congratulations! Was it difficult to prepare for it? How did it go, was it scary? What are you going to do next?

Sorry, I have to go now, my dog is barking at the neighbour.

Would be glad to hear from you again.



We live in an age of the great inventions, and there were a lot of them in the past decade. My survey is aimed to show the most important of them in a form of the pie chart.

As can be seen from the pie chart, there are some prominent features. First of all, the reusable rocket is one of the most important inventions with 23%. Secondly, the Google Assistant is the leader with 35%.

One can observe the slight differences in the importance of the inventions to people. For example, the self-driving car and the reusable rocket are less popular than Google Assistant (18, 23 and 35% correspondingly). I think people like comfort more than innovations and scientific progress.

While doing the project I have managed to outline a problem. People think about their own comfort more than about science and something innovate. It happens because some of those projects just do not work – for example, self-driving cars crash and the rockets fall. The solution to the problem is to test all the inventions better before starting to use them.

To be honest, I am not a fan of the most inventions nowadays. Self-driving cars are still too unready to become a usual part of everybody’s life and Google Assistant is only good to make a route fast while you are driving. The inventions make life more comfortable, but comfort does not mean quality. Besides, the greatest inventions like internet and radio were supposed to be used at war, so self-driving cars may be used against you one day.

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Sorry, I have to go now, my dog is barking at the neighbour.
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We live in an age of the great inventions, and there were a lot of them in the past decade. My survey is aimed to show the most important of them in a form of the pie chart.

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