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One should choose a future profession according to personal interests and talents (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Choosing a profession is an important moment in every person's life. I can say that it determines our future. Therefore, this issue should not be approached rashly. We need to listen to ourselves and be aware that this is only our choice and it will affect our whole life.

On weekdays, we spend almost a third of our life time at work. It becomes an integral part of our life and it depends only on us whether this part will be happy. Very often you can see a situation when a person works at an unloved job. This happens for various reasons. For example, the profession that a person really liked seems to him to be unattractive in the eyes of others, and he is afraid to face the condemnation of loved ones. Often a person chooses an unloved profession that brings good material benefits.

And someone may just be afraid to develop their talents and try what they are really interested in. Over time, such a person will begin to hate the profession, which can affect other areas of his life. Such negativity can spoil his relationship with family and friends, deprive him of rest and sleep. All this leads to emotional burnout and negatively affects our psychological and even physical health.

I believe that if a person is interested in his work, if he is talented and makes efforts to develop his abilities, he will be able to achieve success in any field. No need to be afraid to try. After all, no one has the right to condemn a person for his personal choice. The realization of abilities helps a person to get satisfaction from the work process. I think it's amazing to see the result of your efforts in your favorite field. This brings positive emotions and additional energy for new achievements.

Thus, I agree with the statement "One should choose a future profession according to personal interests and talents". It is not for nothing that they say that if you choose the job you like, a person will not work a day. I think it's a good option when your profession coincides with your hobbies. It is necessary to have fun from work. Only in this way will it be able to benefit both ourselves and the people around us.


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