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Imagine that you are doing a project on how teenagers in Zetland spend their free time (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Письменная часть. Раздел 4. Письменная речь. Задание 40

According to the table, the majority of the teenagers polled (47%) like to spend their free time hanging out with their friends. As far as the least popular occupation is concerned, it is reading the same book and discussing it – that pastime is mentioned by only 5% of the respondents.

It should also be noted that pastimes which require some mental or physical work tend to occupy lower positions in the rating. For instance, shopping online (16%) and cooking (12%) turn out to be less favoured than hanging out with friends (47%) and watching movies (20%).

When organised wisely, leisure time can benefit a person a lot.

ut it can have a destructive effect as well if a person spends it, for example, gaming for hours or taking harmful substances like alcohol.

To prevent this problem from arising, governments should promote a healthy lifestyle and create more facilities for people who want to make the most of their free time.

To conclude, I think that the best way of spending free time is reading. It takes away our anxiety, enriches our knowledge and opens up unlimited career opportunities.

249 слов


to constitute – являться, представлять собой

an essential part – неотъемлемая часть

to establish – установить, выяснить

as far as … is concerned – что касается …

pastime – времяпрепровождение, занятие

to require – требовать

to tend to – иметь тенденцию, быть склонным; часто переводится наречием «обычно»

to occupy – занимать

to turn out – оказываться

wisely – мудро, грамотно

to benefit – приносить пользу

harmful substances – вредные вещества

to prevent – предотвращать

facilities – инфраструктура

to make the most of – извлекать максимальную пользу из

anxiety – нервное напряжение

to enrich – обогащать, расширять


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