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It takes a lot to be human (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Being human is a complex and multifaceted experience that involves many different aspects of life. It involves physical, emotional, mental, and social dimensions, and it requires a wide range of skills and abilities to navigate the challenges and opportunities of life.

Physically, being human involves the basic needs of sustenance, shelter, and rest, as well as the need to maintain good health and physical well-being. This can involve taking care of one's body through proper nutrition, exercise, and medical care, and it may also involve dealing with physical challenges and disabilities.

Emotionally, being human involves managing a wide range of emotions and dealing with the challenges and joys of life. This can involve developing resilience and coping skills to navigate difficult situations, as well as learning to express and manage emotions in healthy ways.

Mentally, being human involves developing and using one's intellect and abilities to think, reason, and communicate.

This can involve learning new things, problem-solving, and making decisions, as well as developing critical thinking skills and creativity.

Socially, being human involves developing relationships and connections with others, and learning to navigate the complexities of social interactions. This can involve building friendships, working in teams, and participating in social and community activities.

Overall, becoming a man is a complex and multifaceted process that involves many different challenges and experiences. It requires a wide range of skills and abilities to navigate the complexities of life, and it involves physical, emotional, mental, and social development.


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