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Modern ways of shopping (Школьные сочинения)

It's common knowledge, that shopping is a very important part of life. People buy food to eat and they buy clothes to wear. It goes without saying they want to make sure that the things they are buying are of a good quality. So it's vital for many of them not to waste their money and to shop carefully for value, because the prices have gone sky-high.

Nowadays a great number of shoppers are faced with a confusing and rapidly changing situation. The confusion arises from the claims made by advertising, a wider choice of goods and new places to shop. The prices of clothes, shoes, and make-up have gone sky-high, by the way, so it’s vital not to waste money and to shop carefully for value.

Every day millions of people go on their usual shopping rounds.

There are different types of shops. The biggest of them are supermarkets and department stores, but a lot of people prefer to do their shopping in small shops

A department store is the best place for shopping, because they stock a wide range of goods and souvenirs there. A typical department store consists of a great number of departments

If you are a bargain-hunter, you will probably do shopping at clothes markets. As a rule, they keep their prices low thanks to bulk-buying. Moreover, you can buy good-quality goods. They also stock a wide range of clothes, by the way. Of course, it isn't forbidden to bargain there.

On the other hand, if you want to buy clothes at reduced prices, you can go to a flea market. It's very cheap to buy anything there.

ut, to tell the truth, flea markets are not the best place to buy anything. The prices are low, but the quality is, too.

If you have enough money, try to do shopping in a boutique. Usually it's a small shop, especially one that specializes in elite and fashionable items such as clothing and jewelry.

Talking about shopping, I can't mentioning the fact that there are modern ways of shopping

People abroad often shop from catalogues, which include clothing, furniture, footwear and so on and so forth. The customers enjoy the fact that they don't need to go to a local shop and they can order whatever they want sitting in a comfortable arm-chair and all they need to do is a phone call.

Unfortunately, it's impossible to try clothes on if you shop from catalogues.

esides, a purchase isn't available right here and right now - it will be delivered to your house in several days

Television shopping began in the 1980-es. There are even some popular shopping channels. Customers usually say that television shopping is easier than shopping in store. People make a phone call and charge the item to their credit card. It's very convenient as TV shopping channels are on late at night, so people can go shopping any time

ut to tell the truth, TV shopping isn't popular in our country and sometimes advertising isn't absolutely truthful so it's impossible to resist the temptation and not to buy unnecessary things

Lastly, a few words about computer shopping, which is considered to be the way of the future. In our fast-moving world millions shopping online is popular with young people. First of all they don't have to waste their time going to a shop nearby and standing in line to pay for the all items. In online they can choose the product they are looking for from a wide range of products.

ut shopping online has got many disadvantages as well. Sometimes the description of the product might be different than the actual product. And of course it's impossible to know in advance whether things are going to look good on you or not.


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