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Shopping for food (Школьные сочинения)

It's common knowledge shopping is very important for people's life, because food is one thing that people can't do without. When you run out food the only way out is to go shopping. Every day millions of people go on their usual shopping rounds.

It goes without saying food is sold either at supermarkets or in small shops. Undoubtedly, they have advantages and disadvantages and it depends on you what to choose. As for me, I prefer to do shopping at supermarkets.

The fact is, in our fast moving world the majority of people do their shopping at supermarkets, because they are open all day from early in the morning till late at night and there is a wide choice of goods, by the way. Moreover, they keep their prices low, thanks to bulk-buying and operate on the "serve yourself" method.

esides you can always pay by credit card, it helps you to save your time.

A typical supermarket consists of a great number of counters:

The first counter is fish, smoked fish and tinned fish. Next comes the fruit counter with its nuts, fruit juice, jam and marmalade, fresh fruit and berries, dry fruits.

The shop has a vegetable counter. Potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, garlic and parsley are bought there.

There is also a big dairy counter where you can find any dairy products you want: butter, eggs, cheese, sour cream, milk. The butcher's counter sells meat, bacon, chops, sausage.

I decided to cook dinner yesterday. Unfortunately, I ran out of sugar and I had to visit the nearest supermarket. It took me 7 minutes to get there. When I entered the shop, picked up a basket for my shopping. I can say it is a rather large supermarket and there are a lot of things for sale on the counters there. I called round at a dairy and bought a dozen eggs and a carton of milk. Then I bought a kilo of sugar, buckwheat, flour and what not. All products looked inviting in their transparent wrappings with marked prices. It was impossible to resist the temptation and not to load my basket with all I needed and even didn't need. The shop-assistant weighted goods on scales and said how much they cost. I went to a check-out. A clerk at the register scanned all the items I intended to buy and put them into a bag and I paid the money at the cash-desk, got the change and receipt.

There is even a special delivery service in the shop where I can make my orders by phone.

ut it's very important for me to make sure that the things I am buying are of a good quality that's why I don't want to have my purchases delivered to my house

However, my mother is fond of doing her shopping in small shops. She often pays a visit to small shops nearby and she is familiar to salesgirls and shop-assistants working there, that's why my mother can have a chat with them about their weak hearts and broken hopes. And it's necessary to add, that there are no long queues in small shops. "A visit to a good shop is worth two visits to a good doctor" - she usually says.


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