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40.2. Reasons why young people decide to get higher education (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Undoubtedly, education is an integral part of our life. Doing a project about young people's reasons to get higher education, I found an opinion poll and collected some data. I am going to comment on several key features.

According to the table, most young people decide to get higher education because of their unwillingness to work after school graduation and their parent's wish - 75,5% and 77% respectively. On the contrary, the least popular reason is improving career perspectives.

It is quite surprising, given many people consider higher education to be the optimal or the only way to expand employment opportunities and make a successful career.

Looking at the details, social and intellectual growth appears to be more important than self-fulfillment, as there is 48% of youth chose this answer option, which is 13% more than the figure for sense of accomplishment. It demonstrates that young people are aimed at getting useful knowledge and social experience, rather than fulfillment of hopes and ambitions.

One of the problems connected with higher education is a profession choice. A new career guidance system may be a possible solution to this problem. Apart from testing and informing, it should include the development of decision-making and problem-solving skills, as well as individual work of each student with professionals.

All in all, I can say that higher education is valuable for both career and personal growth. The decision to get it should be made based on personal desires, interests and skills, not under the parental pressure.


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