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Интернет: за и против The Internet: pros and cons (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Of course, the Internet has become an integral part of our lives. There are many advantages, but there are also enough disadvantages.

A clear disadvantage is the dependence on the Internet. We spend on gadgets for several hours every day, completely forgetting about walks with friends and family gatherings in our free time. Moreover, now all the studies are online. On the Internet, you can conduct a lesson, read books, find all the necessary materials and videos. Is it better than using paper media and going to school or university in person?

On the other hand, with the advent of the Internet, life has certainly become easier. We do not spend so much time, effort and energy on many things.

As a result, this time can be spent on more useful things and indulge in your hobbies. In addition, thanks to the Internet, we have a connection with the whole world. We can find out the news and what is happening on the other side of the world. It is also possible to make friends across the land and practice foreign languages.

I am absolutely sure that with the advent of the Internet, our lives have changed. We have learned a lot of new things that will be useful in life.

ut do not forget that people are also able to do everything on their own.

In conclusion, there are many advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet.

ut one thing I can say for sure: our daily life without it is no longer possible.


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