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White lie: pros and cons (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays lie is a huge part of our society. Statistically, almost 80% of people lie in everyday life, so we face it constantly communicating with different people. Thus, here we get a question: is it a good or bad fact? Trying to find the answer, we receive a phenomenon, which is called white lie.

Many people accept such kind of lie, while others claim that it is inadmissible. Let usfigure it out.

There is an opinion that we all should aspire to get rid of lie and even white lie has no place in our life. Undoubtedly, it sounds great but only at first sight. I mean, have you ever tried to tell your boss or your colleagues that you do not like their outfits or suggestions? I suppose the answer is «no».

We all want to have good relationships with people surrounding us, and an attempt to tell them the truth, even if you just want to give a piece of advice, can be considered as an insult or an offense.

As a result, we realize that sometimes people do not want to hear your real opinion about them. Of course, it is not right that they cannot deal with the truth but we are not able to change them and should just accept it.

Moreover, there is another strong example of necessity of white lie. Imagine a situation where a person has a fatal disease. I am sure that you would rather hide this fact and try to make his or her last days the happiest.

Eventually, we can confidently say that white lie must exist in our lie. It has a huge amount of pros and only one disadvantage: a possibility to be caught in a lie. Finally, white lie makes our life easier and helps to be in good relationships with people around us, just be careful using it and try not to abuse.


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