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I have won a round the world trip (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

If it happens to me to win a round the world trip, I would be very happy. And first of all, I would like to tell about the opportunities of a round the world trip. To begin with, it is getting unforgettable impressions and vivid emotions, meeting new people and learning about their lifestyle and culture. Moreover, travelling in foreign countries is ideal for practicing languages and breaking through language barrier. You can expand your horizons by learning the history of different countries, traditions and daily routine of different nations.

As for me, I would spend as little time inside as possible during a round the world trip, but would enjoy sightseeing, taking pictures, shopping and making friends. For the first place I`d like to visit is Paris, where I could relax along the Champs Elysees.

The city is crammed with sights and it sounds interesting. Another city I`d like to visit is

erlin- the capital of Germany. History, art and culture are the pillars of this beautiful city and it`s worth seeing. I'd also like to take a direct flight to Munich, the capital of Bavaria, where I could visit a lot of interesting places from architecture to jazz clubs. I`d also like to visit Antarctica and see polar bears, penguins and huge icebergs. It sounds terrifying, but I always want to get adrenalin, so this place for me. Moreover, I`d visit Dubai, where I could swim in the sea, sunbathe and see different beautiful mirrored skyscrapers. The last place I would like to visit is Himalayas, where I could backpacking. It is very popular especially among young travelers who want to join the nature. It's always breathtaking.

To sum up, there are many places and countries I would like to visit. A round the world trip can help me to do it. I`m a versatile person and learning something new is always interesting for me. Anyway, wherever we will go, we should have fun and meet new people, because a life is small and we must get new impressions, exciting adventures and high spirits.


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