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Project on reasons for traveling (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

For the great majority of people traveling is a way to relax and make new acquaintances. The aim of my project is to report about reasons of traveling.

Generally, it is noticeable that people had the highest share in column “experience life”, while “holiday with family” ranked the lowest share in pie chart. The reason of such a big difference is that the overwhelming majority of people travel to feel something new and change scenery, while only a small number of people travel to spend their free time with family members.

Overall, columns “relaxing” and “shopping” occupy an average position in chart. It can be explained by the fact that these factors are important for everyone, because the overwhelming majority of people want to get rest and buy fashionable clothes. Also when people travel, they want to escape from routine and feel themselves free. Therefore, everyone often spends a lot of money on entertainment and shopping.

According to the results that are given in above.

I can single out a serious problem. The overwhelming majority of people travel for recreation, while they might broaden their horizons. I can suggest a solution to this problem. Travel companies should offer people tours to world famous museums and attractions. Get tourists interested in learning about the culture of the country they are visiting, as well as promise shopping in the citys’ best stores and entertainment for children. So, everyone will be satisfied and will not waste time.

In conclusion, I can strongly relate that traveling is important. It saturate a person with positive energy and helps to look at your life from the other side.


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