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Fast food is very popular and saves time for busy working people 2021 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is a popular belief that junk food has a lot of advantages for a busy person. However, there are plenty of people who doubt it.

I advocate the opinion that fast food is not a good type of nutrition for busy working people. I have some arguments to prove my point of view. My first idea is that eating burgers or chips on a regular basis can cause health problems like obesity, diabetes. Moreover, eating fast food every day is very expensive. At fast food restaurants for one day person pays about 30-60 USD. It is a little bit expensive.

However, opponents disagree and explain the situation differently. Firstly, they might say that eat in out is a good opportunity to take less time for preparing some dishes as you can choose a meal online and keep up waiting for a delivery service.

Secondly, they suggest that fast food restaurants have a vide choice of dishes for everybody. It is a good opportunity to taste something new every day.

Nevertheless, I do not quite share these ideas. As I see it, everybody can prepare his dish beforehand, for example, in the evening. Home cooked meal is more healthy, cheaper and requires less time as people think. Furthermore, on the Internet everyone finds lot of recipes which contains only healthy ingredients. These dishes are more beneficial for body rather than junk food at the restaurant.

In conclusion, this issue will forever remain relevant. Still, I stick to the point that fast food is not a good choice for busy people as it contains many calories and leads the health problems.


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