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Imagine that you are doing a project on what part of the day people watch TV (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

12 из 13
Оценка эксперта внизу

There is no doubt that watching TV is an essential part of everyday life and it is the main way to find out about news. As part of my project, I have found some data and a table, illustrating the part of day when people watch TV. The aim of my project is to analyze the information.

Now I would like to report the main facts from the table. Firstly, most people watch TV in the evening (43%) and in the night (37%). Secondly, the afternoon (9%) appears to be the least popular time.

However, it is worth mentioning that the difference between the percentage of people who watch TV in the evening (43%) and in the night (37%) is small, only 6 per cent. At the same time, the afternoon (9%) is approximately as popular as the morning (11%).

One problem that can arise with part of the day when people watch TV is that person who prefers doing it at night will probably have problems with a dream. As the table shows, watching TV at night is the most popular.

It leads to sleep disturbance, a headache and a bad mood. The best way of solving this problem is to replace watching TV with reading books. It can help relax and prepare for sleep.

In conclusion, I believe that TV became imprescriptible thing in everybody's life, but I prefer to communicate with my friends or listen to music than watching TV. To some extent, TV can have a bad effect on people.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 – 3 балла

To some extent, TV can have a bad effect on people. – если указываете такую проблему, то нужно ее пояснить, если оставите так, то это будет некорректно с точки зрения организации текста и раскрытия проблемы.

К2 – 3 балла

Есть вступительные предложения с проблемой и обозначения, что вы готовите проект, нашли к нему материалы – все это правильно. Указание фактов и их сравнение верны. Текст организован верно, есть основные данные и пояснения к ним.

К3 – 3 балла

have problems with a dream – лексическая ошибка, a dream ≠ sleeping, если вы пишите про dreams, то проблема возникает именно со сновидениями, а не со сном как таковым.

К4 – 2 балла

Отсутствует нужный артикль: news, day, imprescriptible

The aim of my project is – не будет ошибкой так написать, но лучше перефразировать: My project aims to

and in the night (37%) – at the night (37%) (повторяется)

per cent – percent

К5 – 2 балла

It leads to sleep disturbance, a headache and a bad mood. – пропущена запятая

Итог: 12 баллов

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