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Differences between street art and museum art (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Hey George. How's it going? I've found a couple of pictures that might work well for our project "Art in the City", and I'd like to discuss them with you.

Well, I think the first photo works for our project because it depicts street art called graffiti. In contrast, the second photo works because it shows paintings in a museum. So, together, the pictures illustrate places to view art. In particular, they depict the differences between street art and museum art.

In the first photo, there are graffiti artists' works on the walls of the buildings, whereas, in the second photo, there are works of famous painters. Furthermore, in the first photo, we can see modern paintings made with spray paint, whereas, in the second photo, there are works of classic art made with oil paint.

Well, I can see some advantages and disadvantages of the two ways of viewing art.

What I see as an advantage of graffiti is that it is free and always available. The flaw is that paintings are not protected, and whoever wants can spoil them. What's good about museum art is that it is protected. However, the downside is that you have to pay to adore art.

Honestly, I would love to see more street art in the city. Graffiti can help revitalize the city and make monotonous houses less boring.

Anyway, that's all I wanted to discuss with you. Talk to you later, bye!


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