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The importance of art (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some might say that art is not so important in a person's life. And indeed, scientific developments, inventions, and research in the natural Sciences are much more important. All this gives us knowledge about the world around us, helps us survive in it, and even, to some extent, manage certain processes.

But if you imagine that art never existed: no songs, no paintings, no art books, no movies, no theater… What would our life be like then? I am sure that it would be dull and gray, joyless, and people would be more like robots or animals that are only interested in the natural needs of the body.

Art gives a person the opportunity to open up, show the world their talent, their emotions, feelings, and soul. And the audience appreciates works of art not only out of idle interest, they get aesthetic pleasure from them, they are charged with energy and positive emotions.

Remember how many strings in your soul can touch your favorite melody? Or maybe you were crying from watching a movie or listening to an Opera Aria with your eyes closed? Some paintings can be viewed endlessly, finding a new meaning in them or simply being transferred to the place depicted on them.

That's what art is for, it makes a person feel. It gives joy, hope, sometimes sadness, a whole kaleidoscope of feelings and emotions.

It is enough to remember how during the war the people rallied to Patriotic songs and poems. They gave people hope, faith, and the strength to fight.

You can't underestimate the role of art in a person's life. Without emotions and feelings, a person will be one-sided and uninteresting. It should be developed comprehensively, and the sense of beauty plays an important role in this. I am sure that there is no person in the world who is not interested in absolutely any kind of art.


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