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Many people feel it is a waste of money to try to save endangered animals species? for example the tiger or the blue whale (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays it is believed that it is useless to spend money on saving animals in danger of extinction, such as tigers or blue whales. Since the amount of human’s influence grow, the territory used by animals diminishes, which leads to the disbalance in the world. The advantages and disadvantages of spices’ disappearance affect all countries one way or another. That is the reason, why this problem is considered as the global one.

The minuses of animals’ extinction are obvious: the death of one spice is calculated as the starting point of the food chain’s disruption and disbalance in nature’s world. If, for instance, tigers will extinct, the number of deer rise, that will be resulted as a huge consumption of berries and herbs, which will lead to a huge shortage of them. And that, in the very end, will somehow affect humankind. And without whale’s fat, there would be no ordinary soap and facials.

However, in Australia, for example, the government is looking for all sorts of ways to reduce the number of cats, frogs, and rabbits, because the disappearance of poisonous frogs would reduce the deaths of other animals trying to eat them. So, there are some pluses in animals’ extinction, although, in my opinion, such advantages can be found with a more detailed examination of a certain land’s piece.

In my personal point of view, extinction of animals is not something, that we can close our eyes on. All kinds are important for our planet, although people can not always understand that fact. On the other hand, human capabilities are growing every day. So modern scientists are able to reproduce similar species with only animal or even human DNA. This is a way of solving it, but it is still better not to bring it to a point, where mankind has to seriously tackle this problem.

Pollution of the oceans and the earth, expansion of human cities – all that exert the endangered animals and must be dealt with as fast as possible. Most often, people living in cities forget how much they depend on nature, which is a fatal mistake, that we cannot commit. I believe that the time has come when humanity seriously needs to think about the future of our planet.


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