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Computers cannot replace people example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the computer is a very smart machine. Some people think that computers can do many kinds of tasks instead of a person, whereas others claim that artificial intelligence cannot replace a human being.

In my opinion, an electronic machine is far preferable to a human being. Firstly, computers work more effectively and faster so they can replace people in such professions as a cashier, an economist or an accountant. Secondly, machines are more profitable for the employer than humans because they do not get tired, do not get sick and do not have to be paid. Moreover, a computer can carry out everything that a human being can. For instance, it can read, write and cook.

However, there are those who have an opposing opinion.

They say that computers can never substitute for the human race. Computers do not have any feelings and they cannot replace professions related to emotions such as a teacher or a psychologist. Besides, they claim than an electronic machine can never be a true friend.

There is a great deal of truth in what the opponents say. Nevertheless, I cannot agree with their arguments. Every day computing technologies are becoming more advanced. These days, there are computers that are able to communicate and recognize people’s emotions.

To sum it up, I want to say that artificial intelligence can easily replace people because it is far much smarter and hardly ever makes mistakes unlike a human being.


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