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Living standart in big (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Last years economic growth is noticeable in some countries. It leads to an increase in living standards in cities. However, it does not bring something good to countryside, it even may cause troubles for countries. In this essay I would like to find solutions how to reduce these problems.

In the beginning it is necessary to define the problems that rapid economic development may bring. With the economic growth many people leave countries and move to big cities. The population of them is decreasing. Moreover, if there are few people, the government starts spending less money to develop the countryside. For example, many schools, hospitals and even shops close due to the small population of countries.

The government does not want to invest money here because it thinks that it is unprofitable and that is why there are many municipal buildings in terrible conditions.

So, there is a need to reduce these problems. Firstly, the government has to spend more money for countryside. It should create new jobs here to make countries more attractive for young specialists. Secondly, it is important to raise wages here because people do not work as many as others do and get much less money. Also, much money should be spent on renovating schools, hospitals and other vital places. Finally, there has to be a fast communication system, which may help to deliver goods and medical supplies, carry people and do other important things.

To sum up, it is necessary to notice that many modern countries are in bad conditions. I strongly believe that measures that I suggested can reduce these problems and make countryside attractive for modern people.


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