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Education after school (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

I can identify two main features of the statistics presented in the table. The first one is that the majority of teenagers chose going to a university in their own city, making it most popular among young people. And the second key feature is that only 3 percent of teenagers reported not doing anything, putting this decision in the bottom of the table.

It is also worth mentioning that the number of teenagers choosing going to study abroad is only slightly lower than the number of teenagers choosing taking a gap year.

In my opinion, the statistics in the table reveal an important problem. We can see that teenagers are not interested in going to study abroad and are therefore missing out on a great opportunity to study the culture and traditions of another countries. I think that in order to solve this problem studying abroad should be more discussed and accessible for teenagers. I think that educational institutions should provide students with free study abroad at least on the basis of a competition.

Then it will be a great motivation for teenagers.

In conclusion, I believe that studying is important for everyone who graduated from school. Teenagers should not finish their studies at school and should continue to continuously develop themselves and their mental abilities.


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